Thursday, September 29, 2011

Take 2!

A little less than a year ago, in an attempt to gain some creative relief from the stresses of teaching, I created this blog and presented myself with the mission to create one new recipe a week then blog about and post that recipe.  That lasted all of one week.  I kept up with the new recipes, but failed on the blogging end because, as you could imagine, the pile of work from the stressful job I was trying to escape grew into a mountain.  It's really tough to find internet service when you're buried in a mountain.

In the process of digging out of said mountain, I managed to fall in love with an amazing man (a doctor, even) who, at the end of the school year, gave me a diamond ring and whisked me away to Portland, Oregon, where he is completing his residency.  I debated for a few months whether I should get my Oregon teaching credentials or flee from education and start a new life in the culinary field.  My conclusion? Nobody wants to hire inexperienced employees in the culinary field, and the minimum wage and crappy hours might end up being worse (or at least as bad) as the toughest days (or in my case, months) as a teacher.  The big difference: at least as a teacher, the bad years tend to be followed by better years, and while it's often a thankless job, one or two "Thanks for all you've done for me" notes at the end of the school year have a magical way of making all the crap one has endured worthwhile.  I often find myself thinking about the annoying, self-righteous teenagers who, at times, made me boil with rage, and I actually miss them and wonder who's skin they're getting under now.  That's why I'm going back.

"What does all this have to do with cooking," you ask?  It's going to be a bit before I'm actually certified, and I have found myself with lots of free time.  Through the ups and downs of this summer of self-discovery, the one thing I have been consistently excited about is the plethora of tasty creations which I have been able to share with The Doctor, friends, and family.  In preparation for our upcoming nuptials, I've begun experimenting with making healthy modifications to my favorite recipes.  As I post, I'll make note of the modifications, and you can decide which way to go.  Stay tuned!

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